Treestagram No.1 is from a body of work that creates an alluring visual symphony painted with journeys to the individuals’ minds and varying landscape around the globe questioning the relationships between human, Mother Nature and the urban development. Passion lies in exploring a refined concept beyond ink, in pursuit of “Where’s the Mountain?” from 2013 and now "Where's the Tree?" This work presents a unique juxtaposition of explorations by the artist, who magnifies contradictions and absurdity in today’s world filled with distorted values, derailed priorities and digital junk. This phenomenon contravenes with traditional Chinese ink aesthetic and ideology which admire the Mother Nature where human desires are kept small and subtle.
Treestagram描劃人類囿於思維的自大,在日夕操控生活下,跟自然萬物疏離的擠壓狀態,不斷在聚攏和滲化間磨蹭,復叩問發展和心性的本義與演化。人們發掘野趣,觀自在,畫自在。 作品引領觀者尋思「消費」和「崩離」這兩個當代主題,也是脫胎自《山在哪裡》系列的探索和提昇。 居善地,心善淵,與善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,動善時。 夫唯不爭,故無尤——連繫水的本性,反映人類習慣和現代社會狀況。除了寫實的技法外,更是一種「寫意」心態的追求和展現,石牆的發展仍無阻凡人對於自然的嚮往。作品回應社會問題和現代人的內心渴求外,同時展現充滿個人特色的當代哲思。