NEW ink art book by Danny LIU
【全新畫集2021 現已出版】
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在水墨畫人廖永雄筆下,一群無名水墨雀鳥自宋代(960- 1279)香港(碙州)飛抵當下,揹着一絲絲古代文化意蘊,探視眼前疫情下的荒誕與虛實,藉着天地人間連繫,透過親近與隔閡、輕巧與厚重,反思對牠們這群不知名物種的影響;飛翔這與生俱來的本能動作,夢裡夢外,蛻變成一種傳統與精神上的穿越、留白。羽翼漸豐,驚險來襲之際,是去,或是留?一線之間,連結着許多「糸」的組合。「糸」是一條非常纖幼的絲,它如何從被看見並逐漸編織成一種無明點線面狀態,影響着廖永雄的創作?所謂「意」,在哪裡斷,往哪裡連?
Depicted by ink artist Danny LIU Wing Hung, “On-Line” showcases a narrative relating to a group of unknown birds taking their inter-temporal flight to Hong Kong from Song Dynasty (960- 1279). They carry a set of cultured aesthetics, reflect the line(s) between Liu’s dream, the reality under the pandemic, Mother Nature and civilisation, altogether interweaves the artistry Liu creates while nurturing not only others but also his connecting flight.
“It is easy to get lost in the beauty of these paintings. However, I suspect Liu doesn’t just want us to passively enjoy the technical and aesthetic pleasure of these artworks.” (Dr. Rhett D’Costa, Honorary University Fellow at School of Art, RMIT University, Australia)
“It is of no insignificance that while humans are in captivity, these wrens and many other birds (by Danny) continue flying across borders.” (James Jack, American Asian artist and Assistant Professor of Art Practice at Yale-NUS College, Singapore)
Published by
字字研究所 Word By Word Collective
Hardcover Copy | First Edition
HK$400 each + HK$28 (local postage)